Imaging USA was AWESOME! I was only able to attend one class but it blew my mind. Focusing on creating the best experience possible for clients, it really crystalized my thinking about why photography is such an important part of our lives. Because it's not just about the images. It's also about the experience of coming together and spending time enjoying each other. Our families are so very precious and everything I do is designed to help honor and celebrate that.
I know the image quality in these next few shots isn't the best. They were taken really quickly but it's so cool to have them. The leaders of the class are two of the leaders in the industry. I've admired and blog-stalked
Jesh De Rox and
Tamara Lackey for several years now. Their work really represents the best in the field for their ability to bring out the beauty in every person the photograph. It was such an ultimate thrill to meet them. I had a very Beatles moment.
I was also able to attend the EXPO and meet in person some of the vendors I work with. I also got some wonderful image processing goodies that will make things really pop. So now my images will have a double dose of goodness, both during capture and in the artistic editing in the digital darkroom.
Mr. M came with me to the conference...

Me with Tamara and Jesh.
And one of me...Check out the wonderful blue backlight from the data projector.
Cool shadows in the hotel room.
Little man saying "Hi." He's such a trooper. Happy through the whole thing. Slept pretty darn well even though it's not at home. Oh, and the sheets and the Sheraton were the. loudest. EVER! Every time I rolled over it created a HUGE scratching sound. And you moms know how stressful that is =).
Thanks for playing with me =).