Tuesday, February 24, 2009

To Photoshop or Not To Photoshop...

This is a very good question and everyone has their own answer for their own reasons.  I thought I'd explain my philosophy to you.  The way I use photoshop is as a digital darkroom.  I use it to enhance what the camera captured and to help bring out more of the subject in each image.

Here's the image as it came out of the camera.  I was happy with the composition but felt it could use just a little oomph.

So I warmed it up a bit to make the color really pop.  And I sharpened just a little around the wings to help draw the eye to that part of the image.

Here's another example of how a good image can really pop with a few adjustments.  Seriously love this little girl's smile and the plain background really helps the viewer to focus on her beautiful eyes.  

And here it is after a little artistic editing.  I've converted it to a warm black and white, darkened the background a bit and sharpened her eyes.  I literally gasped out loud when I saw how this image turned out.

Since my primary subject is children, I have to catch the image when I can.  Sometimes I get wonderful expressions with less than wonderful backgrounds.  Before I started using Photoshop the image below would not have made the cut.  I love the look on her face and the little bubble but the mixed background was just too distracting.

With some cloning, I was able to widen the white from the window and pull it out through the whole background so all that remains is this little cherub.  

So thanks to the magic of Photoshop I am able to provide the families I work with the best possible images of their loved ones.  

Friday, February 20, 2009

Photoshop Before Computers

I just saw this image from one of the photography design blogs I read.  For those of you familiar with Photoshop's interface, this is pretty darn cool.

This was created by an art agency in Indonesia called Bates 141 Jakarta.  Creative Director--Hendra Lesmono, Art Directors Andreas Junus and Irawandhani Kamarga.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Slide Show Fun

Check out this cool tool I found. I'm totally digging this as a way to present portrait collections to families.