I remember being very small. Small enough that my mother could still hold me in her arms. And not being able to sleep. Or I had a bad dream. But my mom took me out side, rocked me in her arms and sang to me.
A thousand stars in the sky
Like the stars in your eyes
They say to me
That there'll never be
No other love
Like you for me
It's part of another song possibly popular when I was small. Or maybe when my mom was small. I've looked it up online several times, but I've never had the heart to actually listen to a recording of it. I'm afraid I won't like it. That it will ruin the magic for me. My mom's singing voice isn't the strongest, but she sang it with such love that her's is the only version I want to know.
And now I sing it for my kids. Every night. Because there'll never be no other love like them for me.