Monday, December 22, 2008

K Family

This morning I had the absolute pleasure to meet this little man, Mister L.  We'll be doing a full session this weekend, but mom and I wanted to do a little planning/location scouting today.  Of course I brought my camera.  And when there's a camera and a beautiful baby, I must. take. pictures.  I'm so glad I did.  I can't wait for the full session.  Hold on to your hats people because there's going to be four, that's right, four generations.  So that combined with a house full of wonderful handmade personal touches is going to make for a rockin' good time.

A sweet one with their two "kids."

Nothing better than a sleeping baby.

Can you tell how much this little man is loved?

And L's beautiful Mama.  

Stay tuned everyone...

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